The war had ceased. The enemy, strong and sly, had been defeated. Fujiyama, being unable to find a use for the great artifacts he has found, hid them in the ancient temple at the foot of Fujiyama, the mother of mountains, whose name he inherited by the birth.
Afterwards, Fujiyama has become a Ronin - a wandering samurai - he helped those poor and needy and made did good in the name of fairness, traveling between villages and towns. Though, wherever his way had led and whatever was his current occupation... once per year, at the same time, something forced him to return there, where he has hid the artifacts.
Thus it happened again. Suddenly awaking in a hovel of poor peasant who hosted him in gratitude for saving him from the brigands, Fujiyama felt the insuperable force drawing him back to the place which had become holy for him. "Huh, perhaps, I am chosen by the Gods?" - thought Samurai preparing for his trip.
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